My Own Voice

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Standing on Hardwood Floor...

Hi all! I know its been a while but that's life these days, busy busy busy! Work is going well and school is ok too. Though this month will be seriously hectic since it is the last month of classes! I can hardly believe its the 1st of April already. This semester will be over with before I know it and then its summer time!!! Which I can't be overly excited about b/c I don't think I will have any time to do much of anything but school (not that you can afford to do anything with gas going through the roof). There are some other plans that are in the works that might just add some flavor to the situation but I will let you know more about that as details become confirmed (I don't want to jinx myself or get my hopes up too high though a few hurdles have been jumped so I am hopeful :-D). I always thought an advantage to going to South would have been trips to the beach but I don't see that happening anytime soon. Today was an absolutely beautiful day. Too bad I had to watch William leave. That is such a hard thing to do. He was in Mobile this weekend! The weather was terrible Thursday and Friday morning but was really nice Friday afternoon and through the rest of the weekend. We spent Friday afternoon and the first part of Saturday looking at motorcycle helmets. Which turned out to be more fun then I thought it was going to be actually. Especially on Saturday when I found a pink and silver helmet! As you can imagine I balked at the idea of William getting a motorcycle, which I think I would do with anyone I care about getting one. But as usual I have come to except the reality of the situation and I know he will be as careful as possible. I also think it helps that he has included me in on it. The fact that we were trying on helmets meant more to me then I think he will ever know. But anyways the pink helmet was awesome and I am just glad to know things like that are girly b/c let me tell you the "girls" in these stores were not :-/. Saturday afternoon we walked around Bellingrath Gardens. Yup, I made him go out there and look at flowers with me, it helped that they had a classic car show going on as well though. I am currently procrastinating from doing the things I should be doing. Which is kind of crazy b/c I put off doing things but I feel so much better once I have started or am finished with it. I just read back through this and realized this is some serious rambling. Oh well. I guess I better get started on some things or this week is going to be rougher then it truly needs to be. I hope everyone has a great week! And enjoy the extra daylight we are getting now! See I am trying to be positive rather than griping about the hour I lost this weekend with William :-P More soon depending on how crazy things get this weekend or if there is any breaking news!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Settle in...

This is going to be a long one folks... Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since I last posted and believe me there is a TON to catch you up on (I figure if you actually care you will read no matter what :-D). Let's see nothing exciting really happened after my last post until that Friday (March 11)- I got up at 5am (I know I even surprised myself) and headed to Auburn and from Auburn, William and I were Memphis bound. As most of you know I was incredibly nervous about meeting his parents. Well, of course I was worrying about nothing. They are both really great and it was really nice to meet them. Now I know many of you are thinking she met his parents so it must be serious between them, I am going to defer all those questions to William :-D. Now in Memphis we spent Saturday downtown. I got to see Graceland (something everyone should do atleast once). I did not, however, tour Graceland (just wanted to clear that up). We went to the Rock and Soul museum that afternoon as well. I now have a lot of back ground information on the beginnings of rock, blues, and country music. We took a trolley ride along the riverfront. That gave me a better look at the entire downtown area (I saw the hotel in which MLK was shot and I know that makes several of you very jealous ;-)). And the look of downtown from the trolley made me not want to be anywhere near there after dark. We ate dinner Saturday night at this wonderful BBQ place called Rendezvous'. Its world famous so if you are Memphis you have to eat there just don't be afriad b/c it is off some alley (sidebar: Adriene informed me Justin Timberlake actually rented the entire restaurant out one night for all of the crew to eat there in peace and I understand why, that place can become very crowded). Sunday- I spent the day with William and his mom shopping :-)! I would like to say we all had a good time but I will just say we all survived. I mean I had a great time. I got a really cute pair of pants from Banana Republic (We really should have one of those in Mobile)! We drove back from Memphis on Monday afternoon. We stopping in B'ham Monday night to eat dinner with Chad, Suzanne and Ramsey. Tuesday- I came back to Mobile (via lunch in Montgomery with my Chuckie!) and left again for Auburn on Thursday. I know that almost seems pointless but if you saw the cute hair cut I got on Wed. you would understand. Thursday night- I got to spend some quality time with my Mego! She is so awesome. She is a great listener and gives good advice as well :-). Friday- was Be Nice To Kim Day so I went to all my favorite shops in downtown Auburn and got a manicure and pedicure from my favorite nail shop and of course I got to eat dinner at Laredo's (I mean how can you drive anywhere near Auburn and not eat there?!). So all this brings me to yesterday, I went to Elba, AL to see Candice get married. Wow, even as I type that I am not sure I believe it. It was a beautiful wedding. It was so sweet and you just knew God was there blessing them and there marriage. Candice was absolutely stunning. She made a beautiful bride. William went with me. If there was ever any doubt of how wonderful he is this erased it. I mean the boy skipped A-day to be my date to the wedding of a girl he didn't even know! He was a real trooper (b/c you can imagine how much he wanted to be there, let alone drive over 2hrs one way to get there). Its just crazy to think she is married. I mean I remember meeting her fall of junior year in intro to spec ed. Its something to reflect upon and see how our lives have changed and grown over the past 2 and a half years. Heck, I know mine has changed so much in the past 2 and a half months. And I have to admit I am loving every minute of it. I attribute that to the fact that I am doing my best to be living every minute of it. Today- I went to church with William and then drove home to have dinner with Rachel. Now I am putting off unpacking :-P Well, this is all for now. This should be enough for now I might add. I promise to post again later on in the week to let you know how I am settling back in to the routine of my life. This past week has been wonderful and though there was not a lot of sun on my springbreak, I think some more important things really shined :-)

Monday, March 07, 2005

Survived Another Monday

Woo hoo! Another Monday has basically come and gone :-) Which means another weekend has gone as well. I have to admit this past weekend ranks as one of the best in a long time (well not a long time maybe since January). Was it because William was here? Or maybe I spent some time outdoors? Or the fact that it was 70 degrees and sunny? Who knows? All I know is that I had a wonderful time! William and I went and saw the Dead Sea Scrolls and for all of you in Mobile you really should not let this pass you by and those who are not are more then welcome to crash at my place if you wanna come down and see them! I mean its crazy to think how old those scrolls are. It can really can put things in perspective long term for someone. Oh well I can't worry about long term so all I have is the here and now... and in the here and now not a whole lot is new. Work is going well. I am actually caught up in the office :-D I have my mentoring session tomorrow. I really think this is going to be a good thing for me to be involved with. Though in a way it really has me thinking about if I should have pursued Early Intervention a little more. Too late now, or at least for this degree ;-) This week shouldn't be too bad, class was cancelled for tomorrow night so I am going shopping for a new outfit to wear to Candice's wedding! I am so excited for her and she's excited about getting to "approve" William. (Yup, I'm dragging him along...told you he's wonderful :-D). But first this weekend I am going to Memphis with William. I'm nervous so I'm not going to talk much about that now... According to Chuckie I am not blogging enough about William, sorry guys just trying not to scare him away ;-) Well its past my bed time... so I better get myself in bed, girl's got to get her beauty sleep you know!!!

Thursday, March 03, 2005


Thursday night... No ER tonight, they premiered a new L&O, I was kind of disappointed (note spelling) in it so I cleaned somewhat and worked on the techniques for infant massage (yea, part of this mentoring thing I am doing. I am mentoring an adolescent mother. I think it is going to be a really good experience. Though as usually it might be more then I bargained for :-P. My girl has a 2 1/2 month old baby. And we'll just say the mother is "special", now you see how I got paired with her. I am not sure how old she is but my guess would be under 16. Its only the second week and I was assigned to her this week so I don't have a lot of info but I'll keep you posted). I figured while I was waiting on William (story of my life) I would blogg a little bit about this week.... I did 1500 mailouts for the grant I am grad assistant on, that should pretty much sum up work for you... Oh before I forget about the whole spelling of disappointment, since I can spell it correctly, Sanders has decided that Landon and I are his two smartest friends b/c we noticed the mistake in his away message (he made the spelling mistake on purpose to see who would notice and say something). He's a dork, but I am probably a bigger one for being amused about it.... I don't know what will be going on this weekend, William will be here and that's the most important thing :-). The weather is suppose to be nice so maybe we can find something fun to do on Saturday. I am hoping we will get to see the Dead Sea Scrolls at some point but the tickets are sold out online. Well, I think I am going to get ready for bed (I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep but I am going to try) and read a little bit...

Friday, February 25, 2005


Home at 9pm on a Friday night. This is the life I lead. It could be for several reasons, one- I have a sinus infection, two- I worked 30 some odd hours this week and are just tired, three- I don't run with a late crowd anymore, four- I am in graduate school now and a little older (and wiser) or five- William is in Auburn. For what every reason, this is how it is these days and you know what, this doesn't bother me. I think in some ways I more content with my life and who I am now then I have ever been. I went to dinner with Adriene tonight. That was really nice. She is so awesome and our friendship has come to mean so much to me. I really value her guidance and advice. And those of you who have met her knows she rocks! Anyways, I personally can not believe February is almost over. I have something like 9 months and I will have my masters degree. And really be an adult... That's kinda scary. I mean on one hand I am really trying this whole living in the moment so I am not planning my life away but on the other hand when somethings are so uncertain you can't help but wonder about all the possibilities that await you. Oh well, its just another night. And did I mention I am sick? I have been thinking about this today and I really think Arizona would be a good move for me to make in January. I mean how can they have mold out there?! There is no dampness!!! Anyways, that's my little end of the week ramblings... I'm going to go wait for William to call, which I might add is the story of my life but that is another posting for another day ;-)...

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Who's blog is this anyways?

Apparently in my blog from earlier this evening I forgot to address the championship race today- The Daytona 500! Maybe its b/c my driver lost :-P Or b/c Jeff Gordon won :-P :-P Anyways, I didn't get to see the whole race b/c I had to tutor some people. But I did make it home for the end of the race, which with 3 laps to go I was jumping up and down but alas Kasey Khane wrecked (big surprise, huh? the kid has no luck) and Gordon got around Jr. Oh well 3rd place isn't a bad start to the season. My mom went to visit my aunt in Orlando this past week and went to several of the speedweek events and if anyone is wondering tickets for the bad seats to today's race were $250. Listening to my mom and aunt talk about the Busch race from Saturday got me very excited about going to Talladega in May :-D California is next week, I'll be sure to remember it in my post next time...

Hey Ya'll

OK so by demand I am updating my blog :-) Let's see my last post was on last Tuesday, what's happened since then? Ummm, well I worked 39 hrs last week. And the stupid presentation I spent my off night Wed. working on wasn't presented Thursday night. So I was a little bitter about that but on the other hand I should have known since we are 3 weeks behind in that class. This weekend was nice (well as nice as one can be without William these days). Kind of relaxing. Friday I ran some errands after work and then came home and feel asleep early (I'm old what can I say?) Saturday was pretty busy. I ran errands all morning and then that afternoon I had the Pathfinder cleaned so I could personalize it with all my Auburn stuff :-D. I went and got the tag for it this past week as well. I won't even tell ya'll what the thing cost! And the gas pump wasn't kind either but I still love it!!! Today I went to Mass in the morning and then pretty much spent the rest of the day cleaning the apartment. Its amazing how dirty this place can get and how I can be too busy to notice between work, school and sleep. I don't know about the rest of you but I am love'n this weather! Its got me in the mood to swimsuit shop :-D I am also thinking about trips to the beach! Life in general is good. I am trying really hard not to get caught up in living day to day or just going through the motions. A yoga video I ordered came in yesterday so I am going to get in the morning and do that before work just to have some peaceful time to stretch and get my head together for the day. I hope I can stick with it. I'll keep you posted....

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

First Time

Well here I am blogging. I know several of my friends have these things and they really enjoy keeping up with people or venting on them. I always thought I might like to have one but didn't have a reason to start one. Well I was chatting with Charlie tonight and he informed me I didn't need a reason. Where would I be without him? OK, here is my props to my Charlie, he is great and Britt is a very lucky lady! I met him my freshman year at Auburn (back when I was oh so computer illiterate and my office was expecting magic from me!) so to a certain extent knowing him for so long and all I think in a way I have really kind of grew up with him. Not to mention he was a good luck charm with my Pathfinder. But my blog isn't about Charlie, its about me. So about me. Well I figure if you are reading this you've got the major details :-) As far as recent news goes. See I this is another reason I have never started one of these things b/c I don't know how far back to go. Let's see its February 15th... goodness, that's a crazy fact I might need to reflect on for a minute. It just seems like yesterday was Christmas or New Years (time flies when you're having fun)... Anyways, I am taking 3 classes at USA and at this point working 40hrs a week. That's what happens when you are the only graduate assistant in the office. My family is good. Mom is out of town this week, I was actually starting to miss her until she called today to tell me she was at the beach in beautiful 80 degree weather in FL while I was stuck in a windowless office :-P Oh I can tell you all about my new baby (besides William) my 2001 Pathfinder :-) Very exciting! I LOVE IT!!! Well not so much at the gas station but it really hasn't been that bad so far, really hasn't been that long either... Wow, who knew I could find this much to ramble about? Those who know probably are saying "I did" right about now. This is actually much better then the presentation I should be working on for Thursday night. Oh well... I am trying to think if there is any other news for this first blog... Well on a deeper more personal note, I just hope everyone realizes that people are in our lives for a certain reason and they cross our paths with purpose. You know so much has changed and yet something simple can happen or I can run into someone from way back when and remember that the more things change the more they stay the same. OK well I guess that's all for now.... Stay tuned :-)